
  abstract = {In order to put component based software engineering into practice we have to consider the eect of software component adaptation. Adaptation is used in existing systems to bridge interoperability problems between bound interfaces, e.g., to integrate existing legacy systems into new software architectures. In CBSE, one of the aims is to predict the properties of the assembled system from its basic parts. Adaptation is a special case of composition and can be treated consequently in a special way. The precision of the prediction methods can be increased by exploiting additional knowledge about the adapter. This work motivates the use of adapter generators which simultaneously produce prediction models.},
  author = {Becker, Steffen},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Coordination and Adaptation Techniques for Software Entities (WCAT 05)},
  editor = {Canal, Carlos and Murillo, Juan Manuel and Poizat, Pascal},
  title = {{U}sing {G}enerated {D}esign {P}atterns to {S}upport {QoS} {P}rediction of {S}oftware {C}omponent {A}daptation},
  url = {http://sdqweb.ipd.uka.de/publications/pdfs/becker2005a.pdf},
  year = {2005}
  author = {Becker, Steffen and Canal, Carlos and Murillo, Juan Manuel and Poizat, Pascal and Tivoli, Massimo},
  booktitle = {Report on the Second International Workshop on Coordination and Adaptation Techniques for Software Entities (WCAT'05)},
  title = {{D}esign {T}ime, {R}un {T}ime and {I}mplementation of {A}daptation},
  year = {2005}
  abstract = {The performance of a software component heavily depends on the environment of the component. As a software component only justifies its investment when deployed in several environments, one can not specify the performance of a component as a constant (e.g., as a single value or distribution of values in its interface). Hence, classical component contracts allowing to state the component�s performance as a post-condition, if the environment realises a specific performance stated in the precondition, do not help. This fixed pair of preand postcondition do not model that a component can have very different performance figures depending on its context. Instead of that, parametric contracts are needed for specifying the environmental dependency of the component�s provided performance. In this paper we discuss the specification of dependencies of external calls for the performance metric response time. We present an approach using parametric contracts to compute the statistical distribution of response time as a discrete distribution in dependency of the distribution of response times of environmental services. We use the Quality of Service Modeling Language (QML) as a syntax for specifying distributions.},
  author = {Firus, Viktoria and Becker, Steffen and Happe, Jens},
  booktitle = {Formal {F}oundations of {E}mbedded {S}oftware and {C}omponent-based {S}oftware {A}rchitectures ({FESCA})},
  pages = {73--90},
  series = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science},
  title = {{P}arametric {P}erformance {C}ontracts for {QML}-specified {S}oftware {C}omponents},
  url = {http://sdqweb.ipd.uka.de/publications/pdfs/firus2005b.pdf},
  volume = {141},
  year = {2005}
  abstract = {Die Architektur eines Software-Systems beeinflusst ma{\ss}geblich seine Qualit \"{a}tseigenschaften wie Performanz oder Zuverl\"{a}ssigkeit. Daher sind Architektur\"{a}nderungen oft die einzige M\"{o}glichkeit, M\"{a}ngel bei diesen Qualit\"{a}tseigenschaften zu beheben. Je spa�ter diese A� nderungen an der Architektur wa�hrend des Software-Entwicklungsprozesses vorgenommen werden, desto teurer und riskanter sind sie. Aus diesem Grund ist eine fr\"{u}hzeitige Analyse verschiedener Architektur-Entwurfsalternativen bez \"{u}glich ihrer Auswirkungen auf Qualit\"{a}tseigenschaften vorteilhaft. Dieser Artikel beschreibt die Evaluation dreier verschiedener Performanz-Vorhersageverfahren f\"{u}r Software-Architekturen hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung, korrekte Empfehlungen f\"{u}r fr\"{u}hzeitige Entwurfsentscheidungen zu geben. Zus\"{a}tzlich sollen diese Vorhersageverfahren pr\"{u}fen, ob extern vorgegebene Performanz-Anforderungen realisierbar sind. Die Performanz-Vorhersageverfahren � SPE�, � Capacity Planning� und � umlPSI� wurden empirisch durch 31 Teilnehmer untersucht, die eine Menge vorgegebener Alternativen beim Entwurf der Architektur eines Webservers zu bewerten hatten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Entwurfsalternativen mit allen Verfahren richtig bewertet wurden, sofern deutliche Auswirkungen auf die Performanz vorhanden waren. Ohne den Einsatz der Performanz-Vorhersageverfahren wurden h\"{a}ufiger weniger performante Entwurfsalternativen vorgeschlagen. Dar\"{u}ber hinaus konnte das Verfahren Capacity Planning die absoluten Werte bei den meisten Entwurfsalternativen relativ genau vorhersagen.},
  author = {Firus, Viktoria and Koziolek, Heiko and Becker, Steffen and Reussner, Ralf H. and Hasselbring, Wilhelm},
  booktitle = {Software Engineering 2005 Proceedings - Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik},
  editor = {Liggesmeyer, Peter and Pohl, Klaus and Goedicke, Michael},
  isbn = {3-88579-393-8},
  pages = {55--66},
  series = {GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics},
  title = {{E}mpirische {B}ewertung von {P}erformanz-{V}orhersageverfahren f{\"u}r {S}oftware-{A}rchitekturen},
  url = {http://sdqweb.ipd.uka.de/publications/pdfs/firus2005a.pdf},
  volume = {64},
  year = {2005}
  abstract = {The article presents architecture of semivirtual campus technical infrastructure for Edinet project. Its aim is to integrate data network laboratories of multiple partners into single unified system accessible by students remotely via Internet. The architecture is defined to integrate various existing remotely accessible networking laboratories and education approaches. The intent was to reach maximum flexibility to support efficient sharing of lab equipment including a possibility to create temporary distributed lab topologies spanning multiple partners.},
  address = {Kosice},
  author = {Galba, Juraj and Jakab, Frantisek and Kapova, Lucia},
  booktitle = {The 4th International Conference on Emerging e-learning Technologies and Applications},
  isbn = {ISBN 80-8086-016-6},
  publisher = {ELFA},
  series = {Information and Communications Technologies in Education},
  title = {{R}emote laboratory in education - {V}irtual{LAB} integration in e-learning education methods},
  year = {2005}
  abstract = {First person games are computer games, in which the user experiences the virtual game world from an avatar's view. This avatar is the user's alter ego in the game. In this paper, we present a telepresence interface for the first person game Quake III Arena, which gives the user the impression of presence in the game and thus leads to identification with his avatar. This is achieved by tracking the user's motion and using this motion data as control input for the avatar. As the user is wearing a head-mounted display and he perceives his actions affecting the virtual environment, he fully immerses into the target environment. Without further processing of the user's motion data, the virtual environment would be limited to the size of the user's real environment, which is not desirable. The use of Motion Compression, however, allows exploring an arbitrarily large virtual environment while the user is actually moving in an environment of limited size.},
  author = {Groenda, Henning and Nowak, Fabian and R{\"o}{\ss}ler, Patrick and Hanebeck, Uwe D.},
  booktitle = {INTETAIN},
  pages = {44--53},
  title = {{T}elepresence {T}echniques for {C}ontrolling {A}vatar {M}otion in {F}irst {P}erson {G}ames},
  url = {http://sdqweb.ipd.uka.de/publications/pdfs/groenda2005a.pdf},
  year = {2005}
  abstract = {One of the aims of component-based software engineering is the reuse of existing software components in different deployment contexts. With the redeployment of a component, its performance changes, since it depends on the performance of external services, the underlying hardware and software, and the operational profile. Therefore, performance prediction models are required that are able to handle these dependencies and use the properties of component-based software systems. Parametric contracts model the relationship of provided and required services of a component. In this paper, we analyse the influence of external services on the service execution time applying parametric contracts and a performance prediction algorithm based on Markov chains. We verbalise the assumptions of this approach and evaluate their validity with an experiment. We will see that most of the assumptions hold only under certain constraints.},
  author = {Happe, Jens},
  booktitle = {First {I}nternational {C}onference on {Q}uality of {S}oftware {A}rchitectures},
  pages = {53--70},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  title = {{P}rediction {M}ean {S}ervice {E}xecution {T}imes of {S}oftware {C}omponents {B}ased on {M}arkov {M}odels},
  url = {http://sdqweb.ipd.uka.de/publications/pdfs/happe2005a.pdf},
  volume = {3712},
  year = {2005}
  abstract = {In this paper, we discuss different approaches to performance prediction of embedded systems. We distinguish two categories of prediction models depending on the system type. First we consider prediction models for hard real-time systems. These are systems whose correctness depends on the ability to meet all deadlines. Therefore, methods to compute the worst case execution time of each process are required. Then the worst case execution times are used in combination with scheduling algorithms to proof the feasibility of the system on a given set of processors. Second we consider prediction models for soft real-time systems whose deadlines can be missed occasionally. Stochastic approaches which determine the probability of meeting a deadline are used in this case. We discuss these approaches with an example based on Stochastic Automaton Networks. Finally, we discuss the applicability of performance prediction models for embedded systems on general software systems.},
  author = {Happe, Jens},
  booktitle = {Trustworthy Software Systems},
  pages = {173--196},
  title = {{P}erformance {P}rediction for {E}mbedded {S}ystems},
  url = {http://sdqweb.ipd.uka.de/publications/pdfs/happe2005b.pdf},
  volume = {2},
  year = {2005}
  abstract = {The Quality of Service attributes of a software component heavily depend on its environment. For example, if a component uses a highly unreliable service, its own reliability is likely to decrease as well. This relation can be described with parametric contracts, which model the dependence between provided and required services of a component. Until now, parametric contracts can only model single-threaded systems. We plan to extend parametric contracts with Stochastic Petri nets to model multi-threaded systems. This enables the detection of resource conflicts and the consideration of the influence of concurrency on Quality of Service attributes, like performance.},
  author = {Happe, Jens and Firus, Viktoria},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop on Component Oriented Programming (WCOP2005)},
  title = {{U}sing {S}tochastic {P}etri {N}ets to {P}redict {Q}uality of {S}ervice {A}ttributes of {C}omponent-{B}ased {S}oftware {A}rchitectures},
  url = {http://sdqweb.ipd.uka.de/publications/pdfs/happe2005c.pdf},
  year = {2005}
  abstract = {In this report, we present a new version of the SOFA component model � SOFA 2.0. SOFA component model now seamlessly integrates a component-based technology with service-oriented technology. Such a technology merge takes advantages of both approaches and allows for better management of features like dynamic reconfiguration, supporting multiple communication styles, heterogeneous applications, etc.},
  author = {Hnetynka, Petr and Plasil, Frantisek and Bures, Tomas and Mencl, Vladimir and Kapova, Lucia},
  institution = {Dep. of SW Engineering, Charles University},
  isbn = {Tech. Report No. 2005/11},
  location = {Prague},
  month = {December},
  title = {{SOFA} 2.0 metamodel},
  year = {2005}
  abstract = {Software needs to be tested extensively before it is considered dependable and trustworthy. To guide testing, software developers often use an operational profile, which is a quantitative representation of how a system will be used. By documenting user inputs and their occurrence probabilities in such a profile, it can be ensured that the most used functions of a system are tested the most. Test cases can be generated directly out of an operational profile. Operational profiles are also a necessary part of quality-of-service prediction methods for software architectures, because these models have to include user inputs into their calculations. This paper outlines how operational profiles can be modelled in principle. Different kinds of usage descriptions of software system have been developed and are summarized in this article.},
  author = {Koziolek, Heiko},
  booktitle = {Research Methods in Software Engineering},
  editor = {Hasselbring, Wilhelm and Giesecke, Simon},
  isbn = {3-936771-57-x},
  pages = {11--33},
  publisher = {GITO-Verlag, Berlin, 2006},
  series = {Trustworthy Software Systems},
  title = {{T}he {R}ole of {E}xperimentation in {S}ofware {E}ngineering},
  url = {http://sdqweb.ipd.uka.de/publications/pdfs/koziolek2005c.pdf},
  volume = {1},
  year = {2005}
  abstract = {Software needs to be tested extensively before it is considered dependable and trustworthy. To guide testing, software developers often use an operational profile, which is a quantitative representation of how a system will be used. By documenting user inputs and their occurrence probabilities in such a profile, it can be ensured that the most used functions of a system are tested the most. Test cases can be generated directly out of an operational profile. Operational profiles are also a necessary part of quality-of-service prediction methods for software architectures, because these models have to include user inputs into their calculations. This paper outlines how operational profiles can be modelled in principle. Different kinds of usage descriptions of software system have been developed and are summarized in this article.},
  author = {Koziolek, Heiko},
  booktitle = {Dependability Engineering},
  editor = {Hasselbring, Wilhelm and Giesecke, Simon},
  isbn = {3-936771-56-1},
  pages = {119--142},
  publisher = {GITO-Verlag, Berlin, 2006},
  series = {Trustworthy Software Systems},
  title = {{O}perational {P}rofiles for {S}oftware {R}eliability},
  url = {http://sdqweb.ipd.uka.de/publications/pdfs/koziolek2005c.pdf},
  volume = {2},
  year = {2005}
  abstract = {Current Quality-of-Service (QoS) predictions methods for component-based software systems disregard the influence of the operational profile for anticipating an architecture�s performance, reliability, security or safety. The operational profile captures the set of inputs and outputs to a software components. We argue, that a detailed operational profile especially for software components is necessary for accurate QoS-predictions and that a standardised form of it is needed. We demonstrate that components act as transformers to an operational profile and discuss that this transformation has to be described, so that QoS prediction methods are able to deliver appropriate results for component-based architectures.},
  author = {Koziolek, Heiko and Becker, Steffen},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Component Oriented Programming (WCOP2005), Glasgow, UK},
  editor = {Reussner, Ralf H. and Szyperski, Clemens and Weck, Wolfgang},
  month = {July},
  title = {{T}ransforming {O}perational {P}rofiles of {S}oftware {C}omponents for {Q}uality of {S}ervice {P}redictions},
  url = {http://sdqweb.ipd.uka.de/publications/pdfs/koziolek2005a.pdf},
  year = {2005}
  abstract = {Predicting the performance of software architectures during early design stages is an active field of research in software engineering. It is expected that accurate predictions minimize the risk of performance problems in software systems by a great extent. This would improve quality and save development time and costs of subsequent code fixings. Although a lot of different methods have been proposed, none of them have gained widespread application in practice. In this paper we describe the evaluation and comparison of three approaches for early performance predictions (Software Performance Engineering (SPE), Capacity Planning (CP) and umlPSI). We conducted an experiment with 31 computer science students. Our results show that SPE and CP are suited for supporting performance design decisions in our scenario. CP is also able to validate performance goals as stated in requirement documents under certain conditions. We found that SPE and CP are matured, yet lack the proper tool support that would ease their application in practice.},
  author = {Koziolek, Heiko and Firus, Viktoria},
  booktitle = {Proceeding of the first International Conference on the Quality of Software Architectures (QoSA'05)},
  editor = {Reussner, Ralf H. and Mayer, Johannes and Stafford, Judith A. and Overhage, Sven and Becker, Steffen and Schroeder, Patrick J.},
  isbn = {3-540-29033-8},
  pages = {188--202},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  title = {{E}mpirical {E}valuation of {M}odel-based {P}erformance {P}redictions {M}ethods in {S}oftware {D}evelopment},
  url = {http://sdqweb.ipd.uka.de/publications/pdfs/koziolek2005b.pdf},
  volume = {3712},
  year = {2005}
  address = {Kosice},
  author = {Lesso, Marek and Kapova, Lucia and Orsulak, Rastislav},
  booktitle = {5th PhD Student Conference},
  isbn = {ISBN 80-969224-4-0},
  title = {{T}echnologies for building information systems: {ESZ} {S}ybase - {A}dministration system case study},
  year = {2005}
  abstract = {For the design of component based systems, it is important to guarantee non-functional attributes before actually composing a system. Performance usually is a crucial property of a software system, for safety or usability reasons. Several approaches to predict performance characteristics of a component based system in an early stage of development have been introduced in recent times. However, for an engineering discipline, not only the propose of techniques is needed, but also empirical studies of their applicability. This work empirically compares and evaluates two approaches to early predict the performance of component based software systems. The empirical study is conducted in form of a case study, although attempts are made to achieve a good generalizability. The results attest the CB-SPE technique a good applicability, although some problems occured. The Palladio technique has less good results. Here, there have been problems with the specification of the distribution functions.},
  author = {Martens, Anne},
  howpublished = {Carl-von-Ossietzky Universit{\"a}t Oldenburg},
  keywords = {Empirical methods},
  month = {August},
  note = {individual project thesis (similar to a Bachelor's thesis)},
  pdf = {http://sdqweb.ipd.kit.edu/publications/pdfs/martens2005a.pdf},
  title = {{E}mpirical {V}alidation and {C}omparison of the {M}odel-{D}riven {P}erformance {P}rediction {T}echniques of {CB}-{SPE} and {P}alladio},
  type = {study thesis},
  year = {2005}
  address = {Kosice},
  author = {Michlik, Jan and Kapova, Lucia and Jakab, Frantisek},
  booktitle = {5th PhD Student Conference},
  isbn = {ISBN 80-969224-4-0},
  title = {{S}ystem for remote access to the laboratories - {V}irtual {L}ab},
  year = {2005}
  abstract = {Collaborative applications let users work in a shared environment, to support common work. Model Driven Engineering (MDE), aims at separating the description of the application and the description of the target platform and architecture. Numerous patterns are available in the literrature, which may be reused in an MDE process for CSCW. However, they build just ponctual solutions, are may only be useful as a complement to an existing framework. Our proposition to solve this problem is to integrate ontologies in the MDE process, to represent functionnalities of collaborative applications, so as to generate MDE models for collaborative services, deduced from use scenarios. Several work groups have been recently created to study the role of ontologies in MDE on one hand, and in CSCW on the other hand : this is a growing research domain},
  author = {Pierre Parrend},
  file = {rapport.pdf:http\://www.rzo.free.fr/docs_master/rapport.pdf:PDF},
  school = {Ecole Centrale de Lyon},
  timestamp = {2005.11.07},
  title = {MDE et CSCW, Groupware, Travail Cooperatif capillaire},
  url = {http://www.rzo.free.fr/parrend05cscw.php},
  year = {2005}
  abstract = {Model Driven Engineering (MDE) knows growing interest as much as a research domain as an industry process for building software quickly and reliably. However, in the way to reuse and automation of design processes, it has limitation for this purpose, as it focuses on design much more as on user s need. Use of an ontology representing domain design knowledge can be a way to bridge the gap between use scenarios and models, and so to empower MDE approaches.},
  author = {Pierre Parrend and Bertrand David},
  booktitle = {IEEE EuroCon 2005, Belgrad, Serbia-Montenegro},
  file = {abs_all.jsp?arnumber=1629992:http\://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=1629992:PDF},
  timestamp = {2005.11.07},
  title = {Use of Ontologies as a Way to Automate MDE Processes},
  url = {http://www.rzo.free.fr/parrend05ontologies.php},
  year = {2005}
  abstract = {Modeling the dependencies between provided and required services within a software component is necessary for several reasons, such as automated component adaptation and architectural dependency analysis. Parametric contracts for software components specify such dependencies and were successfully used for automated protocol adaptation and quality of service prediction. In this paper, a novel model for parametric contracts based on graph grammars is presented and a first definition of the compositionality of parametric contracts is given. Compared to the previously used finite state machine based formalism, the graph grammar formalism allows a more elegant formulation of parametric contract applications and considerably simpler implementations.},
  author = {Ralf Reussner and Jens Happe and Annegreth Habel},
  booktitle = {Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE)},
  pages = {80--95},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  title = {{M}odelling {P}arametric {C}ontracts and the {S}tate {S}pace of {C}omposite {C}omponents by {G}raph {G}rammars},
  url = {http://sdqweb.ipd.uka.de/publications/pdfs/reussner2005a.pdf},
  volume = {3442},
  year = {2005}
  author = {Mircea Trifu and Volker Kuttruff},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12-th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering},
  month = {November},
  pages = {99--108},
  publisher = {IEEE},
  title = {Capturing Nontrivial Concerns in Object-Oriented Software},
  year = {2005}
  author = {Mircea Trifu and Peter Szulman},
  journal = {{GI} Softwaretechnik-Trends},
  keywords = {SISSy},
  number = {2},
  timestamp = {2008.11.03},
  title = {Language Independent Abstract Metamodel for Quality Analysis and Improvement of OO Systems},
  volume = {25},
  year = {2005}