
  author = {Jochen Anderer and Rainer Bloch and Thomas Mohaupt and Rainer Neumann and Alexa Schumacher and Olaf Seng and Frank Simon and Adrian Trifu and Mircea Trifu},
  institution = {FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik},
  issn = {0944-3037},
  month = {June},
  number = {1-6-6/06},
  title = {Methoden und Werkzeuge zur Sicherung der inneren Qualit{\"a}t bei der Evolution objektorientierter Softwaresysteme},
  year = {2006}
  abstract = {Component adaptation needs to be taken into account when developing trustworthy systems, where the properties of component assemblies have to be reliably obtained from the properties of its constituent components. Thus, a more systematic approach to component adaptation is required when building trustworthy systems. In this paper, we illustrate how (design and architectural) patterns can be used to achieve component adaptation and thus serve as the basis for such an approach. The paper proposes an adaptation model which is built upon a classification of component mismatches, and identifies a number of patterns to be used for eliminating them. We conclude by outlining an engineering approach to component adaptation that relies on the use of patterns and provides additional support for the development of trustworthy component-based systems.},
  author = {Becker, Steffen and Brogi, Antonio and Gorton, Ian and Overhage, Sven and Romanovsky, Alexander and Tivoli, Massimo},
  booktitle = {Architecting Systems with Trustworthy Components},
  pages = {193--215},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  title = {{T}owards an {E}ngineering {A}pproach to {C}omponent {A}daptation},
  volume = {3938},
  year = {2006}
  author = {Steffen Becker and Carlos Canal and Nikolay Diakov and Juan Manuel Murillo and Pascal Poizat and Massimo Tivoli},
  booktitle = {Object-Oriented Technology, ECOOP 2006 Workshop Reader, ECOOP 2006 Workshops, Nantes, France, July 3-7, 2006, Final Reports},
  editor = {Mario S{\"u}dholt and Charles Consel},
  pages = {72-86},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  title = {{Coordination and Adaptation Techniques: Bridging the Gap Between Design and Implementation}},
  volume = {4379},
  year = {2006}
  abstract = {Modellgetriebene Software-Entwicklung ist in den letzten Jahren insbesondere unter Schlagworten wie MDA und MDD zu einem Thema von allgemeinem Interesse f\"{u}r die Software-Branche geworden. Dabei ist ein Trend weg von der Code-zentrierten Software-Entwicklung hin zum (Architektur-) Modell im Mittelpunkt der Software- Entwicklung festzustellen. Modellgetriebene Software-Entwicklung verspricht eine stetige automatisierte Synchronisation von Software-Modellen verschiedenster Ebenen. Damit einher geht eine m\"{o}gliche Verk\"{u}rzung von Entwicklungszyklen und mehr Produktivit\"{a}t. Prim\"{a}r wird nicht mehr reiner Quellcode entwickelt, sondern Modelle und Transformationen \"{u}bernehmen als eine h\"{o}here Abstraktionsebene die Rolle der Entwicklungssprache f\"{u}r Software-Produkte. Derweil ist eine Evolution von Werkzeugen zur modellgetriebenen Entwicklung festzustellen, die einen zus\"{a}tzlichen Gewinn an Produktivit\"{a}t und Effizienz erm\"{o}glichen sollen. Waren die Werkzeuge zur Jahrtausendwende in ihrer M\"{a}chtigkeit noch stark eingeschr\"{a}nkt, weil die Transformationssprachen nur eine begrenzte Ausdrucksst\"{a}rke besa{\ss}en und die verf\"{u}gbaren Werkzeuge eine nur geringe Integration von modellgetriebenen Entwicklungsprozessen boten, so ist heute mit den Eclipse-basiertenWerkzeugen rund um EMF ein deutlicher Fortschritt sp\"{u}rbar. In der Eclipse-Plattform werden dabei als Plugins verschiedenste Aspekte der modellgetriebenen Entwicklung vereint: � Modellierungswerkzeuge zur Erstellung von Software-Architekturen � Frameworks f\"{u}r Software-Modelle � Erstellung und Bearbeitung von Transformationen � Durchf\"{u}hrung von Transformationen � Entwicklung von Quellcode Der Seminartitel enth\"{a}lt eine Reihe von Schlagworten: �MDA, Architekturen, Muster, Eclipse�. Unter dem Dach von MDA ergeben sich zwischen diesen Schlagworten Zusammenh\"{a}nge, die im Folgenden kurz skizziert werden. Software-Architekturen stellen eine allgemeine Form von Modell f\"{u}r Software dar. Sie sind weder auf eine Beschreibungssprache noch auf eine bestimmte Dom\"{a}nen beschr\"{a}nkt. Im Zuge der Bem\"{u}hungen modellgetriebener Entwicklung lassen sich hier Entwicklungen hin zu Standard-Beschreibungssprachen wie UML aber auch die Einf\"{u}hrung von dom\"{a}nen-spezifischen Sprachen (DSL) erkennen. Auf diesen weiter formalisierten Beschreibungen von Software lassen sich schlie{\ss}lich Transformationen anwenden. Diese k\"{o}nnen entweder zu einem weiteren Modell (�Model-to-Model�) oder einer textuellen Repr\"{a}sentation (�Model-to-Text�) erfolgen. In beiden F\"{a}llen spielen Muster eine wichtige Rolle. Transformationen kapseln in gewisser Weise wiederholt anwendbares Entwurfs-Wissen (�Muster�) in parametrisierbaren Schablonen. Eclipse stellt schlie{\ss}lich eine freie Plattform dar, die in letzter Zeit zunehmend Unterst\"{u}tzung f\"{u}r modellgetriebene Entwicklung bietet. In die Bem\"{u}hungen zur Unterst\"{u}tzung modellgetriebener Entwicklung f\"{a}llt auch das im Mai 2006 angek\"{u}ndigte �Eclipse Modeling Project�, das als �top level project� auf die Evolution und Verbreitung modellgetriebener Entwicklungs-Technologien in Eclipse zielt. Das Seminar wurde wie eine wissenschaftliche Konferenz organisiert: Die Einreichungen wurden in einem peer-to-peer-Verfahren begutachtet (vor der Begutachtung durch den Betreuer) und in verschiedenen �Sessions� wurden die �Artikel� an zwei �Konferenztagen� pr\"{a}sentiert. Es gab �best paper awards� und einen eingeladenen Gastredner, Herrn Achim Baier von der itemis AG & Co KG, der dankenswerter Weise einen aufschlussreichen Einblick in Projekte mit modellgetriebener Entwicklung in der Praxis gab. Die �best paper awards� wurden an Herrn El-Ghazi und Herrn Rentschler verliehen, denen hiermit nochmal herzlich zu dieser herausragenden Leistung gedankt wird.},
  author = {Becker, Steffen and Dikanski, Aleksander and Drechsel, Nils and Ghazi, Aboubakr Achraf El and Happe, Jens and El-Oudghiri, Ihssane and Koziolek, Heiko and Kuperberg, Michael and Rentschler, Andreas and Reussner, Ralf H. and Sinawski, Roman and Thoma, Matthias and Willsch, Marko},
  institution = {Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe (TH)},
  title = {{M}odellgetriebene {S}oftware-{E}ntwicklung - {A}rchitekturen, {M}uster und {E}clipse-basierte {MDA}},
  url = {http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/documents/2918},
  year = {2006}
  abstract = {More and more complex embedded system use component based development. Non-functional properties of component model are used to predict performance of the final system. We analyzed the thread properties of component in network processor based system. The proposed method is based on the thread properties and provides quantified performance of the component, and so we can predict the performance of final system at composing time. The experiments show that the difference between theoretic and simulation result is less than 10%.},
  author = {Steffen Becker and Lars Grunske and Raffaela Mirandola and Sven Overhage},
  booktitle = {Architecting Systems with Trustworthy Components},
  editor = {Ralf Reussner and Judith Stafford and Clemens Szyperski},
  pages = {169--192},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  title = {{P}erformance {P}rediction of {C}omponent-{B}ased {S}ystems: {A} {S}urvey from an {E}ngineering {P}erspective},
  volume = {3938},
  year = {2006}
  abstract = {The evaluation of Quality of Service (QoS) attributes in early development stages of a software product is an active research area. For component-based systems, this yields many challenges, since a component can be deployed and used by third parties in various environments, which influence the functional and extra-functional properties of a component. Current component models do not reflect these environmental dependencies sufficiently. In this position statement, we motivate an explicit context model for software components. A context model exists for each single component and contains its connections, its containment, the allocation on hard- and software resources, the usage profile, and the perceived functional and extra-functional properties in the actual environment.},
  author = {Steffen Becker and Jens and Heiko Koziolek},
  booktitle = {Proc. 11th International Workshop on Component Oriented Programming (WCOP'06)},
  editor = {Ralf Reussner and Clemens Szyperski and Wolfgang Weck},
  month = {July},
  pages = {1--6},
  title = {{P}utting {C}omponents into {C}ontext: {S}upporting {Q}o{S}-{P}redictions with an explicit {C}ontext {M}odel},
  url = {http://research.microsoft.com/~cszypers/events/WCOP2006/WCOP06-Becer.pdf},
  year = {2006}
  abstract = {Basic concepts and terminology for trustworthy software systems are discussed. Our discussion of definitions for terms in the domain of trustworthy software systems is based on former achievements in dependable, trustworthy and survivable systems. We base our discussion on the established literature and on approved standards. These concepts are discussed in the context of our graduate school TrustSoft on trustworthy software systems. In TrustSoft, we consider trustworthiness of software systems as determined by correctness, safety, quality of service (performance, reliability, availability), security, and privacy. Particular means to achieve trustworthiness of component-based software systems � as investigated in TrustSoft � are formal verification, quality prediction and certification; complemented by fault diagnosis and fault tolerance for increased robustness.},
  address = {New York, NY, USA},
  author = {Steffen Becker and Wilhelm Hasselbring and Alexandra Paul and Marko Boskovic and Heiko Koziolek and Jan Ploski and Abhishek Dhama and Henrik Lipskoch and Matthias Rohr and Daniel Winteler and Simon Giesecke and Roland Meyer and Mani Swaminathan and Jens Happe and Margarete Muhle and Timo Warns},
  doi = {10.1145/1218776.1218781},
  issn = {0163-5948},
  journal = {SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes},
  number = {6},
  pages = {1--18},
  publisher = {ACM},
  title = {{T}rustworthy software systems: a discussion of basic concepts and terminology},
  url = {http://sdqweb.ipd.uka.de/publications/pdfs/becker2006f.pdf},
  volume = {31},
  year = {2006}
  abstract = {Component adapters are used to bridge interoperability problems between the required interface of a component and the provided interface of another component. As bridging functional mismatches is frequently required, the use of adapters is unavoidable. In these cases an impact on the Quality of Service resulting from the adaptation is often undesired. Nevertheless, some adapters are deployed to change the Quality of Service on purpose when the interoperability problem results from mismatching Quality of Service. This emphasises the need of adequate prediction models for the impact of component adaptation on the Quality of Service characteristics. We present research on the impact of adaptation on the Quality of Service and focus on unresolved issues hindering effective predictions nowadays.},
  author = {Steffen Becker and Ralf Reussner},
  journal = {L\'{ }objet},
  number = {1},
  pages = {105--125},
  publisher = {RSTI},
  title = {{T}he {I}mpact of {S}oftware {C}omponent {A}daptation on {Q}uality of {S}ervice {P}roperties},
  volume = {12},
  year = {2006}
  author = {Erik Burger},
  month = {October},
  school = {Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe (TH)},
  title = {{Query Infrastructure and OCL within the SAP Project ``Modeling Infrastructure''}},
  type = {Studienarbeit},
  url = {http://sdqweb.ipd.kit.edu/publications/pdfs/burger2006a.pdf},
  year = {2006}
  address = {Dresden},
  author = {Freudenstein, P. and Juling, W. and Liu, L. and Majer, F. and Maurer, A. and Momm, C. and Ried, D.},
  booktitle = {INFORMATIK 2006},
  pages = {50-54},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Informatics},
  title = {Architektur f{\"u}r ein universit{\"a}tsweit integriertes Informations- und Dienstmanagement},
  volume = {P-93},
  year = {2006}
  abstract = {Model-driven code generation has been investigated in traditional and object-oriented design paradigms; significant progress has been made. It offers many advantages including the rapid development of high quality code. Errors are reduced and the consistency between the design and the code is retained, in comparison with a purely manual approach. Here, a model-driven code generation approach based on graph transformations for aspect-oriented development is proposed. The approach has two main transformation activities. The first activity transforms a visual (graphical) model of the design into a formal, text-based notation that can be readily processed. The graphical model is created by the software designer and uses a UML profile for aspect-oriented software (i.e., FDAF) to represent aspects and their components. XML is the target notation for this step; the transformation uses the XML meta-model to ensure that the output complies with the language. The second activity transforms the XML model into AspectJ source code. The transformation uses the AspectJ meta-model to ensure the output complies with the language. The transformations from the extended UML model to XML and from XML to AspectJ code are fully automated. The transformation algorithms are based on graph transformations; tool support has been developed. Key technical issues in the approach are discussed, including performance, the amount of code generated, correctness, and adaptability, in addition to a comparison of the proposal with existing alternative approaches. The approach has been validated on three example systems: a banking system, classroom scheduling system, and an insurance system. The banking system example is presented in the paper.},
  address = {Germany},
  author = {Goldschmidt, Thomas},
  school = {Hochschule Furtwangen University},
  title = {{G}rammar {B}ased {C}ode {T}ransformation for the {M}odel-{D}riven {A}rchitecture},
  year = {2006}
  abstract = {Performance prediction methods for component-based software systems aim at supporting design decisions of software architects during early development stages. With the increased availability of multicore processors, possible performance gains by distributing threads and processes across multiple cores should be predictable by these methods. Many existing prediction approaches model concurrent behaviour insufficiently and yield inaccurate results due to hard underlying assumptions. In this paper, we present a formal performance prediction approach for component-based systems, which is parameterisable for the number of CPUs or CPU cores. It is able to predict the response time of component services for generally distributed execution times. An initial, simple case study shows that this approach can accurately predict response times of multithreaded software components in specific cases. However, it is limited if threads change the CPU during their execution, if the effect of processor cache thrashing is present, and if the memory bus is heavily used.},
  author = {Happe, Jens and Koziolek, Heiko and Reussner, Ralf H.},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS)},
  editor = {de Boer, Frank S. and Mencl, Vladimir},
  issn = {1571-0661},
  pages = {91--106},
  series = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science},
  title = {{P}arametric {P}erformance {C}ontracts for {S}oftware {C}omponents with {C}oncurrent {B}ehaviour},
  url = {http://sdqweb.ipd.uka.de/publications/pdfs/happe2006a.pdf},
  volume = {182},
  year = {2006}
  author = {Hasselbring, Wilhelm and Reussner, Ralf H.},
  journal = {IEEE Computer},
  number = {4},
  pages = {91--92},
  title = {{T}oward {T}rustworthy {S}oftware {S}ystems},
  url = {http://sdqweb.ipd.uka.de/publications/pdfs/hasselbring2006a.pdf},
  volume = {30},
  year = {2006}
  author = {Dirk Heuzeroth and Uwe Assmann and Mircea Trifu and Volker Kuttruff},
  booktitle = {Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering (GTTSE), International Summer School. Revised Papers},
  isbn = {3-540-45778-X},
  pages = {357--377},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  title = {The COMPOST, COMPASS, Inject/J and RECODER Tool Suite for Invasive Software Composition: Invasive Composition with COMPASS Aspect-Oriented Connectors},
  volume = {4143},
  year = {2006}
  address = {Kosice},
  author = {Kapova, Lucia},
  school = {Technical University of Kosice},
  title = {{S}upport for interactive experiments and demonstrations: {C}onception of {V}irtual {L}aboratory (in the frame of {CNA} {V}irtual{L}ab project)},
  year = {2006}
  address = {Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany},
  author = {Kapova, Lucia},
  booktitle = {IRTGW 2006 workshop},
  isbn = {ISBN 3-936771-87-1},
  month = {November},
  publisher = {GITO-Verlag},
  title = {{SOFA} as platform for {SOA} applications},
  year = {2006}
  abstract = {This paper deals with the remote laboratory VirtualLAB (VL, http://vl.cnl.tuke.sk) solution developed at Computer Network Laboratory (Technical university of Ko�ice). Aim of the project is to design and implement the conception of VirtualLAB, which provides remote access to specified laboratory network devices. This project will be used in educational process as a part of CNAP (Cisco Networking Academy Program). Using this tool, students can access and configure network devices like routers and switches remotely from any place via Internet.},
  address = {Bratislava},
  author = {Kapova, Lucia and Jakab, Frantisek},
  booktitle = {The 7th international conference on Virtual University},
  isbn = {ISBN: 80-227-2542-0},
  publisher = {E-Academia Slovaka},
  title = {{P}rogressive virtual laboratory solution},
  year = {2006}
  abstract = {In response to an increased demand for graduate level Information Assurance (IA) education, the SPS/MSCIT (School for Professional Studies/Masters of Science in Computer Information Technology) at Regis University, Denver developed a series of IA courses in late fall of 2003. In addition to the technical, policy and management course content, modern ethical decision making-techniques were integrated into the classroom courses. The courses were developed with the intent to deliver them to online students via the WebCT platform. The course development work was divided into three phases; phase 1, selection of appropriate ethical practices and decision-making techniques from content experts, professional organization, and standards bodies, phase 2, design, development and construction of supporting instructional labs associated with the standards using the MSCIT virtual laboratory at Regis University, and finally phase 3, implementation of the supporting classroom and online Vlabs.},
  address = {Herlany},
  author = {Kapova, Lucia and Jakab, Frantisek and Andoga, Vladimir and Nagy, Michal},
  booktitle = {7-th International Scientific Conf. on Electronic Computers and Informatics},
  isbn = {ISBN 80-8073-150-0},
  title = {{V}irtual {L}aboratory: {C}omponent {B}ased {A}rchitecture {I}mplementation {E}xperience},
  year = {2006}
  abstract = {Even with todays hardware improvements, performance problems are still common in many software systems. An approach to tackle this problem for component-based software architectures is to predict the performance during early development stages by combining performance specifications of prefabricated components. Many existing methods in the area of component-based performance prediction neglect several influence factors on the performance of a component. In this paper, we present a method to calculate the performance of component services while including influences of external services and different usages. We use stochatic regular expressions with non-Markovian loop iterations to model the abstract control flow of a software component and probability mass functions to specify the time consumption of internal and external services in a fine grain way. An experimental evaluation is reported comparing results of the approach with measurements on a component-based webserver. The evaluation yields that using measured data as inputs, our approach can predict the mean response time of a service with less than 2 percent deviation from measurements taken when executing the service in our scenarios.},
  author = {Koziolek, Heiko and Firus, Viktoria},
  booktitle = {Proc. of the 5th Int. Workshop on Formal Foundations of Embedded Software and Component-Based Software Architectures (FESCA'06)},
  editor = {Kuester-Filipe, Juliana and Poernomo, Iman H. and Reussner, Ralf H.},
  month = {March},
  pages = {69-87},
  publisher = {Elsevier Science Inc.},
  series = {ENTCS},
  title = {{Parametric Performance Contracts}: {Non-Markovian Loop Modelling and an Experimental Evaluation}},
  url = {http://sdqweb.ipd.uka.de/publications/pdfs/koziolek2006e.pdf},
  volume = {176(2)},
  year = {2006}
  author = {Koziolek, Heiko and Firus, Viktoria and Becker, Steffen and Reussner, Ralf H.},
  booktitle = {Handbuch der Software-Architektur},
  chapter = {{B}ewertungstechniken f{\"u}r die {P}erformanz},
  editor = {Hasselbring, Wilhelm and Reussner, Ralf H.},
  isbn = {3-89864-372-7},
  pages = {311--326},
  publisher = {dPunkt.verlag Heidelberg},
  title = {{H}andbuch der {S}oftware-{A}rchitektur},
  year = {2006}
  abstract = {Non-functional specifications of software components are considered an important asset in constructing dependable systems, since they enable early Quality of Service (QoS) evaluations. Several approaches for the QoS analysis of component-based software architectures have been introduced. However, most of these approaches do not consider the integration into the development process sufficiently. For example, they envision a pure bottom-up development or neglect that system architects do not have complete information for QoS analyses at their disposal. We extent an existing component-based development process model by Cheesman and Daniels to explicitly include early, model-based QoS analyses. Besides the system architect, we describe further involved roles. Exemplary for the performance domain, we analyse what information these roles can provide to construct a performance model of a software architecture.},
  author = {Koziolek, Heiko and Happe, Jens},
  booktitle = {Proc. 9th Int. Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE'06)},
  editor = {Gorton, Ian and Heineman, George T. and Crnkovic, Ivica and Schmidt, Heinz W. and Stafford, Judith A. and Szyperski, Clemens A. and Wallnau, Kurt C.},
  isbn = {3-540-35628-2},
  pages = {336--343},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  title = {{A} {Q}o{S} {D}riven {D}evelopment {P}rocess {M}odel for {C}omponent-{B}ased {S}oftware {S}ystems},
  url = {http://sdqweb.ipd.uka.de/publications/pdfs/koziolek2006b.pdf},
  volume = {4063},
  year = {2006}
  abstract = {Performance predictions based on design documents aim at improving the quality of software architectures. In component-based architectures, it is difficult to specify the performance of individual components, because it depends on the deployment context of a component, which may be unknown to its developers. The way components are used influences the perceived performance, but most performance prediction approaches neglect this influence. In this paper, we present a specification notation based on annotated UML diagrams to explicitly model the influence of parameters on the performance of a software component. The UML specifications are transformed into a stochastical model that allows the prediction of response times as distribution functions. Furthermore, we report on a case study performed on an online store. The results indicate that more accurate predictions could be obtained with the newly introduced specification and that the method was able to support a design decision on the architectural level in our scenario.},
  author = {Koziolek, Heiko and Happe, Jens and Becker, Steffen},
  booktitle = {Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on the Quality of Software Architectures (QoSA'06)},
  editor = {Hofmeister, Christine and Crnkovic, Ivica and Reussner, Ralf H. and Becker, Steffen},
  month = {July},
  pages = {163--179},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  title = {{P}arameter {D}ependent {P}erformance {S}pecification of {S}oftware {C}omponents},
  url = {http://sdqweb.ipd.uka.de/publications/pdfs/koziolek2006f.pdf},
  volume = {4214},
  year = {2006}
  abstract = {Modellgetriebene Entwicklung [20] verspricht auf Basis abtrakter Software-Modelle, die beispielsweise in einer Notation wie der Unified Modelling Langage vorliegen, automatisiert kompilierbaren Software-Quellcode erzeugen zu k\"{o}nnen. Dadurch k\"{o}nnten \"{a}nderungen am Software-Modell ins k\"{u}rzester Zeit in neuen Programmversionen resultieren und umgekehrt. Durch die Erh\"{o}hung des Grades der Automatisierung bei der Erzeugung von Software-Quellcode k\"{o}nnten Fehler minimiert werden. \"{u}ber die Trennung von Software-Modell und generiertem Software-Quellcode soll sich zus\"{a}tzlich eine Plattformunabh\"{a}ngigkeit des Software-Modells erreichen lassen. Insgesamt soll auf diese Weise eine Steigerung der Effizienz von Software-Entwicklungsprozessen erreicht werden. Die M\"{o}glichkeiten der modellgetriebenen Entwicklung, auch unter dem Akronym MDA (Modell Driven Architecture) bekannt, stehen und fallen dabei mit der M\"{a}chtigkeit der verwendeten Werkzeuge. Je mehr Programmieraufwand durch Werkzeuge abgenommen wird, desto schneller kann die Entwicklung neuer Versionen erfolgen. Die St\"{a}rken von MDA werden vor allem in der permanenten Synchronisation zwischen Software-Modell und Software-Quellcode gesehen. Die Abstraktion von Software- Quellcode in Form eines Software-Modells bleibt stets konsistent zur Auspr\"{a}gung als Software-Quellcode und umgekehrt ein Zugriff auf die weniger komplexe Abstraktion des Software-Quellcodes bleibt damit permanent bestehen. Die Ausgangsbasis f\"{u}r eine modellgetriebene Entwicklung (in Vorw\"{a}rtsrichtung) bildet dabei ein Dom\"{a}nenmodell, dass die Modell-Elemente der Anwendungsdom\"{a}ne beschreibt. Da nicht Instanzen von Modellen der Anwendungsdom\"{a}ne beschrieben werden, sondern Modelle g\"{u}ltiger Modell-Instanzen, handelt es sich bei Dom\"{a}nenmodellen um Meta-Modelle.},
  address = {Germany},
  author = {Krogmann, Klaus},
  month = {May},
  school = {University of Oldenburg},
  title = {{E}ntwicklung und {T}ransformation eines {EMF}-{M}odells des {P}alladio {K}omponenten-{M}eta-{M}odells},
  url = {http://sdqweb.ipd.uka.de/publications/pdfs/krogmann2006a.pdf},
  year = {2006}
  abstract = {Performance prediction of component-based software systems is needed for systematic evaluation of design decisions, but also when an application's execution system is changed. Often, the entire application cannot be benchmarked in advance on its new execution system due to high costs or because some required services cannot be provided there. In this case, performance of bytecode instructions or other atomic building blocks of components can be used for performance prediction. However, the performance of bytecode instructions depends not only on the execution system they use, but also on their parameters, which are not considered by most existing research. In this paper, we demonstrate that parameters cannot be ignored when considering Java bytecode. Consequently, we outline a suitable benchmarking approach and the accompanying challenges.},
  author = {Michael Kuperberg},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Research Training Groups Workshop, Dagstuhl, Germany, November 6 - 8, 2006},
  editor = {Jens Happe and Heiko Koziolek and Matthias Rohr},
  series = {Reihe Trustworthy Software Systems},
  title = {{I}nfluence of {E}xecution {E}nvironments on the {P}erformance of {S}oftware {C}omponents},
  url = {http://www.gito.de/impress/produkte.nsf/0/81B3A5D1DBB12943C125738B00762D3C},
  volume = {3},
  year = {2006}
  abstract = {The management of process-oriented service composition within a dynamic environment, where the employed core services are offered on service marketplaces and dynamically included into the composition on basis of Service Level Agreements (SLA), demands for a service management application that takes into account the specifics of processoriented compositions and supports their automated provisioning. As a first step towards such an application, in this paper we introduce the conceptual design for an architecture and implementation of an interoperable and flexible manageability infrastructure offering comprehensive monitoring and control functionality for the management of service compositions. To achieve this, our approach is based on well-understood methodologies and standards from the area of application and web service management.},
  author = {Momm, Christof and Rathfelder, Christoph and Abeck, Sebastian},
  institution = {Cooperation {\&} Management},
  location = {Karlsruhe, Germany},
  pdf = {http://sdqweb.ipd.uka.de/publications/pdfs/momm2006a.pdf},
  title = {{T}owards a {M}anageability {I}nfrastructure for a {M}anagement of {P}rocess-{B}ased {S}ervice {C}ompositions},
  type = {C{\&}M Research Report},
  year = {2006}
  abstract = {Last years have seen a dramatic increase in the use of component platforms, not only in classical application servers, but also more and more in the domain of Embedded Systems. The OSGi(tm) platform is one of these platforms dedicated to lightweight execution environments, and one of the most prominent. However, new platforms also imply new security flaws, and a lack of both knowledge and tools for protecting the exposed systems.> This technical report aims at fostering the understanding of security mechanisms in component deployment. It focuses on securing the deployment of components. It presents the cryptographic mechanisms necessary for signing OSGi(tm) bundles, as well as the detailed process of bundle signature and validation. We also present the SFelix platform, which is a secure extension to Felix OSGi(tm) framework implementation. It includes our implementation of the bundle signature process, as specified by OSGi(tm) Release 4 Security Layer. Moreover, a tool for signing and publishing bundles, SFelix JarSigner, has been developed to conveniently integrate bundle signature in the bundle deployment process.},
  author = {Pierre Parrend and St\'{e}phane Fr\'{e}not},
  file = {RT-0323.pdf&docid=86234:http\://hal.inria.fr/action/open_file.php?url=http\://hal.inria.fr/docs/00/08/62/34/PDF/RT-0323.pdf&docid=86234:PDF},
  institution = {INRIA},
  keywords = {OSGi(tm), Security, Integrity, Authentication, Jar Signature, Digital Signature, Felix},
  month = {June},
  number = {RT-0323},
  title = {Secure Component Deployment in the {OSGi}\texttrademark Release 4 Platform},
  url = {http://www.rzo.free.fr/parrend06deployment.php},
  year = {2006}
  abstract = {Providing Services at Home has become over the last few years a very dynamic and promising technological domain. It is likely to enable wide dissemination of secure and automated living environments. We propose a methodology for identifying threats to Services at Home Delivery systems, as well as a threat analysis of a multi-provider Home Gateway architecture. This methodology is based on a dichotomous positive/preventive study of the target system: it aims at identifying both what the system must do, and what it must not do. This approach completes existing methods with a synthetic view of potential security flaws, thus enabling suitable measures to be taken. Security implications of the evolution of a given system become easier to deal with. A prototype is built based on the conclusions of this analysis},
  author = {Pierre Parrend and St\'{e}phane Fr\'{e}not},
  booktitle = {International Conference on Cryptography, Coding \& Information Security, CCIS 2006, November 24-26, Venice, Italy},
  file = {v16-53.pdf:http\://www.waset.org/pwaset/v16/v16-53.pdf:PDF},
  keywords = {Security requirements, Connected Home, OSGi, Sofware Components},
  month = {November},
  title = {A Security Analysis for Home Gateway Architectures},
  url = {http://www.rzo.free.fr/parrend06secuAnalysis.php},
  year = {2006}
  abstract = {Operating Systems and Server Platforms tend to be increasingly organized as sets of components, which enables greater flexibility, as well as easier system upgrade. Even though such architectures evolve more easily as monolithic ones, they are also more difficult to secure. Bringing new components in these kind of systems means also not being able to always assert component reliability and innocuousness We conduct experiments on component system dependability validation using the OSGi platform in the frame of the IST Muse Project for wide band Service at Home delivery. OSGi provides an execution and life cycle management environment for embedded applications in Java [OSGi05]. Deployment is the first step of component management life cycle, after development is completed . It is made up of component publishing, discovery, dependency resolution, downloading, installation, configuration, starting [Hall99]. Dependability [Avizienis00] of a system is the conjunction of several properties of systems : availability, reliability (continuity of correct service), safety (absence of catastrophic consequences), confidentiality, integrity, maintainability. Dependability for component deployment can thus be defined as 'Load and install the right component at the right time'. The right component is one that the user knows not to be malicious, and which provides the desired service. As far as each user do not know a priori each component, two criteria can be applied in order to check that a component is not malicious : either the component is trusted, or it is possible to assert that the code can not execute dangerous actions (or combination of both). The first step to provide a secure component system is to ensure that deployed components come from a trusted provider. This is done through cryptographic signature. Two different technologies exists : signature validation through Public Key Certificate (X.509) Path, often used in closed systems (where a Certification Authority provides trustworthy certificates), or through PGP and publicly available key servers, often used for open Operating Systems based on components (also named modules, or packages). RPM, and Gentoo Portage notably use this approach. Second step is to ensure safe execution of installed components. Extreme case is Java Sandboxing, where all actions that could possibly be harmful are blocked. This enables untrusted applets to be executed safely. In most cases however, it is necessary to provide access to the file system, or to the network, but not to the whole system. This is achieved through execution permissions. The Spin OS, based on the Modula-3 language, or VINO OS, use this mechanism. OSGi also provides permissions for controlling component interoperability that are used together with Java permissions. Our work targets the design and development of a dependable OSGi framework. Few work having been done � surprisingly enough � about this subject, it is necessary to provide a mean of validating OSGi components (named bundles) at load time. OSGi specifications propose to sign bundles through X.509 Signature Certificates, which are included in the archive. This permits validation of the integrity of the bundle, and to authenticate the signer(s). However, confidentiality is not possible, because bundle signing specifications consider that one must be able to use a bundle without taking care of the signature. This is not a problem in open source projects � where the code is anyhow available � but builds a severe restriction in closed systems, enterprise systems, or Service at Home services delivery. We propose two solutions : the first one is to put the encrypted component in the signature file. This implies only minor changes to OSGi specifications and prevents unauthorized users from installing the bundle. The other requires the existence of one (or several) centralized repository(ies). It is then possible to connect the client and the server through a secure communication protocol (such as HTTPS, SSH, or over Virtual Private Networks). In this configuration, OSGi security specifications are too heavy. The second aspect of bundle validation at load time is to ensure that permissions that are necessary for correct execution do not go against existing policies, and that the code does not contain security leaks. Guaranteeing that permissions are valid in the Java world is normally done at runtime, and can cause misbehavior of the program. We propose a new permission validation protocol that enables permission checking before bundle download, thus preventing performance downfall due to loading of unsuitable code: first, a bundle description file containing policy parameters required for its correct execution is downloaded by the client. If this policy is compatible with actual client security policy, the bundle itself is downloaded. Then, coherence of code and description file is checked. It can be extended with Proof Carrying Code (PCC) for guaranteeing code harmlessness. Realizing experiments on dependable component systems on the OSGi platform proves to be highly valuable as well for general analysis of middleware platforms as for the study of OSGi itself, which specifications seem to need to adapt to real network systems � and not only to closed world. This ongoing work is still to be completed by performance analysis of the different solutions. Being specified as a stand-alone platform with some component life cycle management facilities (validation, installation, start, ...) but without any consideration on how these components are downloaded, OSGi framework seems to have still a good evolution potential. [OSGi05] OSGi Service Platform, Core Specification Release 4, OSGi Alliance, 2005. [Hall99] R.S. Hall, D. Heimbigner, & A.L. Wolf, A Cooperative Approach to Support Software Deployment Using the Software Dock, ISCE 1999. [Avizienis00] A. Avizienis, J.C. Laprie & B. Randell, Fundamental concepts of dependability, Technical Report LAAS (Toulouse, France), 2000.},
  author = {Pierre Parrend and St\'{e}phane Fr\'{e}not},
  booktitle = {Poster, first EuroSys Conference 2006},
  howpublished = {Poster, first EuroSys Conference},
  month = {April},
  title = {Dependability for Component Systems Deployment},
  url = {http://www.rzo.free.fr/parrend06deployment_poster.php},
  year = {2006}
  author = {Pierre Parrend and Yvan Royon and Noha Ibrahim},
  booktitle = {1st IEEE International Workshop on Services Integration in Pervasive Environments, Lyon, France},
  file = {sipe06.pdf:http\://www.rzo.free.fr/publis/sipe06.pdf:PDF},
  keywords = {Service-Oriented Programming, Communities, Home Gateways, Component Systems},
  month = {June},
  title = {Service-Oriented Distributed Communities in Residential Environments},
  url = {http://www.rzo.free.fr/parrend06communities.php},
  year = {2006}
  author = {Reussner, Ralf H. and Hasselbring, Wilhelm},
  edition = {1},
  isbn = {3-89864-372-7},
  month = {March},
  publisher = {dPunkt.verlag Heidelberg},
  title = {{H}andbuch der {S}oftware-{A}rchitektur},
  year = {2006}
  abstract = {A software system's structure degrades over time, a phenomenon that is known as software decay or design drift. Since the quality of the structure has major impact on the maintainability of a system, the structure has to be reconditioned from time to time. Even if recent advances in the fields of automated detection of bad smells and refactorings have made life easier for software engineers, this is still a very complex and resource consuming task.Search-based approaches have turned out to be helpful in aiding a software engineer to improve the subsystem structure of a software system. In this paper we show that such techniques are also applicable when reconditioning the class structure of a system. We describe a novel search-based approach that assists a software engineer who has to perform this task by suggesting a list of refactorings. Our approach uses an evolutionary algorithm and simulated refactorings that do not change the system's externally visible behavior. The approach is evaluated using the open-source case study JHotDraw.},
  address = {Seattle, Washington, USA},
  author = {Seng, Olaf and Stammel, Johannes and Burkhart, David},
  booktitle = {8th Annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation},
  isbn = {1-59593-186-4},
  pages = {1909--1916},
  publisher = {ACM Press},
  title = {{S}earch-based determination of refactorings for improving the class structure of object-oriented systems},
  year = {2006}
  abstract = {In order to put component based software engineering into practice we have to consider the eect of software component adaptation. Adaptation is used in existing systems to bridge interoperability problems between bound interfaces, e.g., to integrate existing legacy systems into new software architectures. In CBSE, one of the aims is to predict the properties of the assembled system from its basic parts. Adaptation is a special case of composition and can be treated consequently in a special way. The precision of the prediction methods can be increased by exploiting additional knowledge about the adapter. This work motivates the use of adapter generators which simultaneously produce prediction models.},
  author = {Streekmann, Niels and Becker, Steffen},
  booktitle = {Short Paper Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Quality of Software Architectures (QoSA2006), V{\"a}ster{\aa}s, Sweden, June 27 - 29, 2006, TR 2006-10, University of Karlsruhe (TH)},
  editor = {Hofmeister, Christine and Crnkovic, Ivica and Reussner, Ralf H. and Becker, Steffen},
  title = {{A} {C}ase {S}tudy for {U}sing {G}enerator {C}onfiguration to {S}upport {P}erformance {P}rediction of {S}oftware {C}omponent {A}daptation},
  year = {2006}
  author = {Vaupel, Robert and Hild, Ulrich and Wirag, Stefan},
  journal = {it -- Information Technology},
  number = {5},
  pages = {294--303},
  publisher = {Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH},
  title = {{z/OS Workload Management -- {\"U}berblick, St{\"a}rken und Ausblick (z/OS Workload Management -- Overview, Strength and Outlook)}},
  url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1524/itit.2006.48.5.294},
  volume = {48},
  year = {2006}
  author = {Vaupel, Robert and Vignola, Chris},
  booktitle = {{Secrets of SOA: An Enterprise View on Service-Oriented Architecture Deployment Revealed}},
  chapter = {10},
  pages = {{185--200}},
  publisher = {Larstan Publishing Inc.},
  title = {Managing Heterogenouse Workloads},
  year = {2006}
  abstract = {Bei den Entwicklern propriet\"{a}rer Informationssysteme entsteht im Zusammenhang mit GPL-lizenzierter Software eine erhebliche Unsicherheit. Dabei ist der virale Effekt der GPL auf Linux Kernelmodule (LKM) ein heftig diskutiertes Problem. Unbeachtet bleibt bei dieser Diskussion, dass sich die Rechtslage in Deutschland und Europa von der in den Vereinigten Staaten unterscheidet. Dieser Beitrag beleuchtet exemplarisch, welche Konstellationen streng zu trennen sind und wie sich die Rechtslage bei Entwicklung und Vertrieb von LKMs in Deutschland darstellt. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse k\"{o}nnen auf andere Projekte \"{u}bertragen werden, die GPL-lizenzierte Software einbeziehen.},
  author = {Winteler, Daniel and Koziolek, Heiko and Happe, Jens and Lipskoch, Henrik},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop Informationsysteme mit Open Source (ISOS2006), Dresden, Germany},
  editor = {Jasper, Heinrich and Zukunft, Olaf},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Informatics},
  title = {{D}ie urheberrechtliche {P}roblematik geschlossener {L}inux {K}ernelmodule aus {S}icht des deutschen {R}echts},
  url = {http://sdqweb.ipd.uka.de/publications/pdfs/winteler2006a.pdf},
  year = {2006}
  editor = {Hofmeister, Christine and Crnkovic, Ivica and Reussner, Ralf H. and Becker, Steffen},
  institution = {Universit{\"a}t Karlsruhe (TH)},
  key = {hofmeister2006a},
  number = {2006-10},
  title = {{Short Paper Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Quality of Software Architectures (QoSA2006), V{\"a}ster{\aa}s, Sweden, June 27 - 29, 2006, TR 2006-10, University of Karlsruhe (TH)}},
  type = {Technical Report},
  year = {2006}
  abstract = {Terrain has a big impact on how battlefield situations unfold primarily because of its effects on observability, mobility, and restriction of fields of fire. As armed forces of the information age come within each other's sensor coverage, information about them is rapidly conveyed to their opponents. Terrain imposes constraints and opens opportunities for the creative use of Battlefield Operating Systems (BOS) and the capabilities and limitations of available troops, vehicles, systems, and materiel. Thus, understanding terrain, and its tactical import is essential for a force to succeed in its missions. Future Force Warrior (FFW) and Future Combat Systems (FCS) initiatives are developing advanced functional capabilities to aid Soldiers in operations to control and hold ground. Adding robotic vehicles, sensors, and weapons creates a planning and coordination challenge for commanders, and highlights the need for autonomous robotic systems that effectively "understand" the tactical import of terrain and integrate that understanding into their situation awareness and behavior-generation processes. TAH-RI is reusable component software providing means of increasing readiness of Soldiers (e.g., in training and performance support systems) to integrate terrain understanding into battlefield decision-making processes, and means of enabling more autonomy in robots through terrain understanding for tactical behavior generation.},
  editor = {Reussner, Ralf H. and Mayer, Johannes and Stafford, Judith A. and Overhage, Sven and Becker, Steffen and (Eds.), Patrick Schroeder J.},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  title = {{Q}uality of {S}oftware {A}rchitectures and {S}oftware {Q}uality: {F}irst {I}nternational {C}onference on the {Q}uality of {S}oftware {A}rchitectures, {Q}o{SA} 2005, and {S}econd {I}nternational {W}orkshop on {S}oftware {Q}uality, {SOQUA} 2005, {E}rfurt, {G}ermany},
  volume = {3712},
  year = {2006}