Location sharing with secrecy guarantees in mobile social networks

Aus SDQ-Institutsseminar
Vortragende(r) Yifan Bao
Vortragstyp Proposal
Betreuer(in) Gabriela Suntaxi
Termin Fr 1. März 2019
Kurzfassung With the increasing popularity of Location-based services and mobile online social networks (mOSNs), secrecy concerns have become one of the main worries of its users due to location information exposure. The challenges in location sharing in mOSNs regarding secrecy are manifold: 1. How to offer location secrecy guarantees? 2. How to offer relationships secrecy guarantees? 3. How to conduct location-dependent queries while guaranteeing 1 and 2?

Several solutions have been proposed to avoid that any adversary, including the service provider, learn the location of the users of mOSNs. However, in most of the existing approaches, the location information of the users is stored in plaintext, which can lead to linking attacks. Furthermore, existing works do not consider some collusion attacks. We aim to propose a location-sharing system resistant to both attacks. To do so, we plan to introduce in our system architecture an untrusted third-party server called access control server. We will also use broadcast encryption and fully-homomorphic encryption to offer secrecy guarantees. While guaranteeing location secrecy and relationships secrecy, our system supports the user to query his nearby friends.