Design Decision Editor

Aus SDQ-Wiki
(Weitergeleitet von Data binding)

As part of Palladio, there is an architectural design decision editor for design decision models. The editor is realized as a JFace/SWT-to-EMF binding, i.e. the elements of the UI (JFace/Forms/SWT) are bound to EMF elements from the decision metamodel.

Screenshot of Decision Editor

Editor Code


Data Bindings

As pointed out before, the binding between JFace elements and EMF elements is realized via a databinding mechanism. An introductory tutorial can be found here [1].

Primitive Bindings (swt.widget.Text to EString attribute)

 /**** Bind ID attribute ****/
 DataBindingContext bindingContext = new DataBindingContext();

More complex Bindings (over one navigation)

Rationale is a meta class in the decision metamodel. It can be reached over the reference Decision->Rationale. The displayed text shall be the rationale's description:

 /**** Bind Rationale attribute ****/
 FeaturePath feature = FeaturePath.fromList(

Bindings with type conversion (Date <--> String)

The model stores dates as java.util.Date which must be expressed as Strings in the textual representation and vice versa:

 /**** Bind Date attribute ****/
 EMFUpdateValueStrategy t2s = new EMFUpdateValueStrategy();
 t2s.setConverter(new StringToDateConverter());
 EMFUpdateValueStrategy s2t = new EMFUpdateValueStrategy();
 s2t.setConverter(new DateToStringConverter());
 EMFProperties.value(DecisionPackage.Literals.DECISION__TIME_STAMP).observe(decision), t2s, s2t);

Bindings with type conversion (Date <--> String)

A reference of multiplicity 0..* can be realized in a JFace-ListViewer:

 /**** Bind triggered Issues reference ****/
 IListProperty widgetList2 = EMFProperties.list(DecisionPackage.Literals.DECISION__TRIGGER);
 IObservableList input2 = widgetList2.observe(decision);
 triggeredIssuesListViewer.setContentProvider(new ObservableListContentProvider());
 triggeredIssuesListViewer.setLabelProvider(new IssueLabelProvider());  // simple Labelprovider that shows an issue's key as text.