PCM 3.1/Example Workspace

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The PCM 3.1 release comes with a workspace constaining overall three examples:

  • Media Store: Modelled after the iTunes Store
  • Business Reporting System: More complex application including design alternatives for evaluation
  • Minimum Example: Minimal instance of a PCM model

Getting started with the example workspace

The PCM 3.1 release drop comes with an example workspace including three example projects. The ZIP file contains the PCM Bench application itself (folder eclipse-pcm3.1) and the ws-pcm-3.1 folder containing the workspace. Ideally, extract both folders to the same directory (please use 7zip for this). The example workspace is prepared for the folders being extracted to C:\code\.

  • Start the eclipse.exe placed in eclipse-pcm3.1
  • Select the ws-pcm-3.1 folder as your workspace.

Media Store Example

System view of the MediaStore example

The MediaStore example is a model application built after the iTunes Store. Users can download a number of files from a web-accessible server application. The server application is split into a front web GUI component, the core business logic, a watermarking component, and a database access layer (see the following image).

  • When starting Eclipse, you find a project folder named MediaStore in you eclipse. It contains the MediaStore example.
  • To start a first performance prediction run, select Run > Open Run Config... from the menu.
  • In the Run Dialog, you find an entry SimuBench > mediastore.
  • Make sure that all paths are set correctly. According to the image at the right hand side, the paths should point to the workspace location on your machine.
Run Dialog: Check the paths of the model files
  • Press Run to start a simulation run.
  • Now, switch to the SimuBench perspectice and browse simulation results in the Experiments View

Business Reporting System Example

Business Reporting System

The Business Reporting System (BRS) is based on an industrial system. The BRS is a 4-tier, web-based system to monitor and manage business data. On a high abstraction level, it consists of 5 software components. The figure on the right hand side shows how the BRS is modelled in the PCM. Clients either request business reports or specific entries from the database via the Webserver component. A Scheduler component connects the Webserver component with the core application. The core application consists of a component ReportingEngine, which manages the creation of reports, and a component CacheInfo, which buyers data from the database for quick access. Both, the ReportingEngine and the CacheInfo query the component Database, which stores a configurable amount of entries in its tables. The Webserver, Scheduler and Database component are each allocated on a dedicated server (server 1 to 3), whereas the components ReportingEngine and CacheInfo are allocated together on server 4. The model is annotated with resource demands for performance prediction and failure probabilities for reliability prediction.

Details on the BRS are available in this PDF.

Minimum Example

The minimum example represents a simplistic model instance of the PCM. It only contains the essential elements of a valid PCM model instance. It is well-suited for starting a own model.

See also