PCM UI Tests

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Datei:Example.jpg== Installation von Rational Functional Tester ==




Launchpadprogramm starten

So starten Sie das Launchpadprogramm:

•Gehen Sie bei der Installation von CD wie folgt vor:1.Legen Sie die Installations-CD in Ihr CD-Laufwerk ein.
2.Unter Linux®: Hängen Sie das CD-Laufwerk an.
3.Wenn die Option für automatische Ausführung (autorun) auf Ihrem System aktiviert ist, 

wird das Launchpadprogramm automatisch gestartet. Wird das Launchpadprogramm nicht automatisch gestartet, gehen Sie wie folgt vor:

Windows: Führen Sie die Datei launchpad.exe aus. Sie befindet sich im Stammverzeichnis auf der CD.
Linux: Doppelklicken Sie auf die Datei launchpad.sh. Sie befindet sich im Stammverzeichnis auf der CD. Wählen Sie Run in terminal aus, um das Launchpadprogramm zu starten. 

•Wenn Sie die Installation über elektronische, von IBM Passport Advantage heruntergeladene Datenträger vornehmen, öffnen Sie eine Befehlszeile und wechseln in das Verzeichnis, in das Sie die Plattenimages extrahiert haben. Gehen Sie dann wie folgt vor: ◦Windows: Führen Sie RFT_SETUP\launchpad.exe aus.

◦Linux: Wechseln Sie in das Verzeichnis RFT_SETUP und geben Sie ./launchpad.sh ein, um das Launchpadprogramm zu starten.

Erstellung von Tests mit Rational Functional Tester


Konfiguration des Functional Testers

Tester-Plugin installieren:

Unable to test Eclipse-based applications You can enable Eclipse-based applications (AUT) using the Rational Functional Tester Enabler tool for testing. Sometimes, there may be problems while enabling the Eclipse shell of the test application.

After you upgrade Rational® Functional Tester, Enabling Eclipse-based applications for testing

Enabling applications based on Eclipse version 3.4 and later:

You can enable applications that are based on Eclipse version 3.4 and later using the Eclipse Software Updates feature.

    Open the application under test.
    Click Help > Software Updates.
    Click the Available Software tab.
    Click Add Site.
    Click Local.
    Browse to the EclipseEnabler directory under the FunctionalTester folder in the Rational Functional Tester install location.
    Click OK.

Enabling applications based on versions prior to Eclipse version 3.4:

You can enable applications that are based on Eclipse versions prior version 3.4 for testing using the Eclipse Software Updates feature.

    Open the application under test.
    Click Help > Software Updates > Find and Install.
    Select Search for new features to install in the Feature Updates dialog box and click Next.
    Click New Local Site in the Update sites to visit page.
    Select the EclipseEnabler directory found under the FunctionalTester folder in the Rational Functional Tester install location. Click OK.
    Specify the name for the local site in the Name field and click OK. 

The site name is listed in the Update sites to visit page.

    Select the site from the list and click Finish. The specified directory, along with its sub folders, is listed in the Search Results page.
    Select the main directory in the Search Results page and click Next.
    In the Feature License page, select I accept the terms in the license agreement and click Next.
    Click Finish.

You can verify that the Eclipse application is enabled for testing by checking that the com.rational.test.ft.enabler.wsw plugin is added to the Plugins directory of the Eclipse application. Note: Some Eclipse based RCP applications may not have the Help > Software Updates option. In this case you can copy the com.rational.test.ft.enabler.wsw_7.0 plugin manually from the FunctionalTester\EclipseEnabler\Plugins directory from the Functional Tester install location into the Plugins directory of the RCP application. After doing this, restart the RCP application with the -clean option. Disabling eclipse-based applications

Generally the applications that are enabled for functional testing is in the enabled state after you upgrade Rational Functional Tester. If you find any issues while testing the applications, disable the Eclipse application and enable it again for functional testing.

If you enabled the Eclipse application using the Rational Functional Tester enable applications option, disable the application from the Enable Applications window in Rational Functional Tester. To disable the Eclipse application that was enabled using the Eclipse Software Updates feature:

    Open the application under test.
    Click Help > Software Updates.
    Click the Installed Software tab.
    Select the Eclipse application and click Uninstall.

Test suite für PCM 3.2

Erte Schritte

Datei:IBM RFT DC.docx

Alternative Flow Use Cases

Datei:Kopie von Alternative Flow -Use Cases2(English).xlsx


Datei:2008-06-03 PCM3.x QoSA2007 MediaStore SimuCom.zip