Von Hinkelg hochgeladene Dateien

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Datum Name Vorschaubild Größe Beschreibung Versionen
11:18, 22. Mär. 2018 MutableTypeCategories extended.pdf (Datei) 874 KB An extended version of a manuscript on mutable type categories that includes proofs of all propositions. 1
11:54, 12. Okt. 2017 ECMFA2018Results.zip (Datei) 32 KB Raw metric values and correspondences as reported in the Modellierung 2018 paper entitled "On the Influence of Metamodel Design to Model Analyses and Transformations" 1
18:30, 30. Nov. 2015 Modelsward2016 Metamodels BPMN.zip (Datei) 184 KB This archive contains the BPMN metamodels created by the participants of the experiment for the paper "An Empirical Study on the Perception of Metamodel Quality" published in MODELSWARD 2016. 1
18:29, 30. Nov. 2015 Modelsward2016 Metamodels Mobile.zip (Datei) 16 KB This archive contains the metamodels created by the experiment for the paper "An Empirical Study on the Perception of Metamodel Quality" published in MODELSWARD 2016. 1
18:28, 30. Nov. 2015 Modelsward2016 Experiment Evaluation.zip (Datei) 3 KB This archive contains the evaluation scripts to reproduce the results of the experiment for the paper "An Empirical Study on the Perception of Metamodel Quality" published in MODELSWARD 2016. 1
18:23, 30. Nov. 2015 Materials.zip (Datei) 2,72 MB This archive contains the materials to reproduce the experiment for the paper "An Empirical Study on the Perception of Metamodel Quality" published in MODELSWARD 2016. 1