Semantische Suche

Freitag, 22. November 2019, 11:30 Uhr

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Ort: Raum 348 (Gebäude 50.34)
Webkonferenz: {{{Webkonferenzraum}}}

Vortragende(r) Marco Heyden
Titel Anytime Tradeoff Strategies with Multiple Targets
Vortragstyp Masterarbeit
Betreuer(in) Edouard Fouché
Kurzfassung Modern applications typically need to find solutions to complex problems under limited time and resources. In settings, in which the exact computation of indicators can either be infeasible or economically undesirable, the use of “anytime” algorithms, which can return approximate results when interrupted, is particularly beneficial, since they offer a natural way to trade computational power for result accuracy.

However, modern systems typically need to solve multiple problems simultaneously. E.g. in order to find high correlations in a dataset, one needs to examine each pair of variables. This is challenging, in particular if the number of variables is large and the data evolves dynamically.

This thesis focuses on the following question: How should one distribute resources at anytime, in order to maximize the overall quality of multiple targets? First, we define the problem, considering various notions of quality and user requirements. Second, we propose a set of strategies to tackle this problem. Finally, we evaluate our strategies via extensive experiments.

Vortragende(r) Florian Kalinke
Titel Subspace Search in Data Streams
Vortragstyp Masterarbeit
Betreuer(in) Edouard Fouché
Kurzfassung Modern data mining often takes place on high-dimensional data streams, which evolve at a very fast pace: On the one hand, the "curse of dimensionality" leads to a sparsely populated feature space, for which classical statistical methods perform poorly. Patterns, such as clusters or outliers, often hide in a few low-dimensional subspaces. On the other hand, data streams are non-stationary and virtually unbounded. Hence, algorithms operating on data streams must work incrementally and take concept drift into account.

While "high-dimensionality" and the "streaming setting" provide two unique sets of challenges, we observe that the existing mining algorithms only address them separately. Thus, our plan is to propose a novel algorithm, which keeps track of the subspaces of interest in high-dimensional data streams over time. We quantify the relevance of subspaces via a so-called "contrast" measure, which we are able to maintain incrementally in an efficient way. Furthermore, we propose a set of heuristics to adapt the search for the relevant subspaces as the data and the underlying distribution evolves.

We show that our approach is beneficial as a feature selection method and as such can be applied to extend a range of knowledge discovery tasks, e.g., "outlier detection", in high-dimensional data-streams.

Freitag, 29. November 2019, 11:30 Uhr

iCal (Download)
Ort: Raum 348 (Gebäude 50.34)
Webkonferenz: {{{Webkonferenzraum}}}

Vortragende(r) Aurélien Pepin
Titel Decomposition of Relations for Multi-model Consistency Preservation
Vortragstyp Masterarbeit
Betreuer(in) Heiko Klare
Kurzfassung Consistency preservation between two metamodels can be achieved by defining a model transformation that repairs inconsistencies. In that case, there exists a consistency relation between metamodels.

When there are multiple interrelated metamodels, consistency relations form a network. In multi-model consistency preservation, we are interested in methods to preserve consistency in a network of consistency relations. However, combinations of binary transformations can lead to specific interoperability issues.

The purpose of this thesis is the decomposition of relations, an optimization technique for consistency relation networks. In this thesis, we design a decomposition procedure to detect independent and redundant subsets of consistency relations. The procedure aims to help developers find incompatibilities in consistency relation networks.

Vortragende(r) Martin Wittlinger
Titel Erkennung von semantisch zusammenhängenden Quelltextabschnitten anhand von Komponententests
Vortragstyp Bachelorarbeit
Betreuer(in) Tobias Hey
Kurzfassung Die Rückverfolgbarkeit von Quelltext zu Anforderungen ist ein wichtiger werdendes Problem. Eine Garantie der Implementierung aller Anforderungen kann zur Steigerung von Softwarequalität führen. Für das Erstellen der Rückverfolgbarkeitsinformationen ist ein Verständnis des Quelltextes nötig. In dieser Arbeit wurden anhand von Komponententests semantisch zusammenhängende Methoden erkannt. Semantisch zusammenhängende Methoden erfüllen eine Funktionalität miteinander und verbessern das Verständnis von Quelltext. Für die Erkennung wurde ein heuristisches Verfahren entwickelt, welches aus mehreren Teilverfahren besteht, die sowohl auf den textuellen als auch den strukturellen Bestandteilen des Komponententest- und Quelltextes arbeiten. Für die Teilverfahren wurde eine Zerteilung und Transformation von Quelltextes entwickelt. Es wurden verschiedene Textähnlichkeitsalgorithmen mit einem maschinellem Lernverfahren (fastText) verglichen. Zur Bewertung wurden drei Softwareprojekte verwendet, mit einer höchsten Präzision von 74%, bei einer Ausbeute von 19%. Mit einer anderen Parameterkonfiguration wurde ein F1-Wert von 46% erreicht.

Freitag, 29. November 2019, 11:30 Uhr

iCal (Download)
Ort: Raum 010 (Gebäude 50.34)
Webkonferenz: {{{Webkonferenzraum}}}

Vortragende(r) Emmanouil Emmanouilidis
Titel Patient Rule Induction Method with Active Learning
Vortragstyp Proposal
Betreuer(in) Vadim Arzamasov
Kurzfassung PRIM (Patient Rule Induction Method) is an algorithm for discovering scenarios from simulations, by creating hyperboxes, that are human-comprehensible. Yet PRIM alone requires relatively large datasets and computational simulations are usually quite expensive. Consequently, one wants to obtain a plausible scenario, with a minimal number of simulations. It has been shown, that combining PRIM with ML models, which generalize faster, can reduce the number of necessary simulation runs by around 75%.

We will try to reduce the number of simulation runs even further, using an active learning approach to train an intermediate ML model. Additionally, we extend the previously proposed methodology to not only cover classification but also regression problems. A preliminary experiment indicated, that the combination of these methods, does indeed help reduce the necessary runs even further. In this thesis, I will analyze different AL sampling strategies together with several intermediate ML models to find out if AL can systematically improve existing scenario discovery methods and if a most beneficial combination of sampling method and intermediate ML model exists for this purpose.

Freitag, 6. Dezember 2019, 11:30 Uhr

iCal (Download)
Ort: Raum 348 (Gebäude 50.34)
Webkonferenz: {{{Webkonferenzraum}}}

Vortragende(r) Eduard Kukuy
Titel Integrating Time Series-based Monitoring with Run-time Modelling
Vortragstyp Bachelorarbeit
Betreuer(in) Robert Heinrich
Kurzfassung Cloud systems may consist of collections of smaller software components (in some cases called microservices), possibly written in different programming languages and hosted across various hardware nodes. These components require continuous adaptation to changing workload and privacy constraints. There exist approaches solving this problem already, but they come along with limitations including binding to a certain platform or programming languages and not accurate handling of multi-host applications.

This thesis presents an approach to platform-independent observing of cloud applications, including comprehensive monitoring of relationships between components of the system. The concept of a time series database is used under the hood for storing monitoring data. It gets then transformed into the format needed for the performance model extraction. Furthermore, a complete specific implementation of the approach with exemplary tools is provided.

Vortragende(r) Frederic Born
Titel Kontinuierliche Verfeinerung automatisch extrahierter Performance-Modelle
Vortragstyp Masterarbeit
Betreuer(in) Emre Taşpolatoğlu
Kurzfassung Immer mehr Unternehmen stehen heutzutage vor dem Problem, dass eines oder mehrere ihrer Altsysteme auf einer monolithischen Softwarearchitektur basieren, die über Jahre hinweg immer mehr an Komplexität zugenommen hat. Die Weiterentwicklung eines solchen Altsystems ist aufwendig und dementsprechend mit hohen Kosten verbunden. Um diese Kosten längerfristig zu senken, können Architektur-Muster, wie die Microservices Architektur eingesetzt werden. Der Migrationsprozess von einer monolithischen Architektur, hin zu einer Microservices-Architektur, ein komplexer und fehleranfälliger Prozess.

Ziel dieser Masterthesis ist die Unterstützung eines solchen Migrationsprozess, indem ein Konzept für eine kontinuierliche Verfeinerung von automatisch extrahierten, architekturellen Performanz-Modellen entwickelt und in einem prototypischen Plug-in umgesetzt wird. Die Thesis beinhaltet ein Konzept zur Durchführung und Speicherung von manuellen Verfeinerungsschritten an extrahierten Performanz-Modellen. Außerdem ermöglicht die Thesis eine Zusammenführung von automatisch extrahierten Performanz-Modellen mit einem zu verfeinernden Performanz-Modell. Ein Ansatz zur Integration des erarbeiteten Konzepts in eine Continuous Integration Umgebung wird ebenfalls präsentiert.

Freitag, 13. Dezember 2019, 11:30 Uhr

iCal (Download)
Ort: Raum 348 (Gebäude 50.34)
Webkonferenz: {{{Webkonferenzraum}}}

Vortragende(r) Daniel Betsche
Titel Feature-based Time Series Generation
Vortragstyp Proposal
Betreuer(in) Adrian Englhardt
Kurzfassung Due to privacy concerns and possible high collection costs of real time series data, access to high quality datasets is difficult to achieve for machine learning practitioners. The generation of synthetic time series data enables the study of model robustness against edge cases and special conditions not found in the original data. A requirement to achieve such results in applications when relying on synthetic data is the availability of fine-grained control over the generation to be able to meet the specific needs of the user. Classical approaches relying on autoregressive Models e.g. ARIMA only provide a basic control over composites like trend, cycles, season and error. A promising current approach is to train LSTM Autoencoders or GANs on a sample dataset and learn an unsupervised set of features which in turn can be used and manipulated to generate new data. The application of this approach is limited, due to the not human interpretable features and therefore limited control. We propose various methods to combine handcrafted and unsupervised features to provide the user with enhanced influence of various aspects of the time series data. To evaluate the performance of our work we collected a range of various metrics which were proposed to work well on synthetic data. We will compare these metrics and apply them to different datasets to showcase if we can achieve comparable or improved results.
Vortragende(r) Viktoriia Trukhan
Titel Towards Differential Privacy for Correlated Time Series
Vortragstyp Masterarbeit
Betreuer(in) Christine Tex
Kurzfassung Differential privacy is the current standard framework in privacy-preserving data analysis. However, it presumes that data values are not correlated. Specifically, adversaries that are aware of data correlations can use this information to infer user’s sensitive information from differential private statistics. However, data correlations are frequent. In particular, values of time series like energy consumption measurements are frequently highly temporally correlated. In this thesis, we first introduce and critically review the notation of dependent differential privacy (DDP) introduced by Liu at. al (2016), which is a differential-privacy like privacy definition for spatially correlated data. Second, we adapt this notation and the respective privacy mechanisms to temporally correlated data. We evaluate our adaption on a real-world energy consumption time series showing that our mechanism outperforms the baseline approach. We conclude this work by stating in which direction the improvements of the mechanism might be done.