PCM Coverage

Aus SDQ-Wiki
Palladio Addon (Liste)
Name PCM Coverage
Contacts Henning Groenda (http://sdq.ipd.kit.edu/people/henning groenda/)
State Stable
Is Stand-alone Analysis? No
Extends Analyses SimuCom
Extends Metamodels
Update Site http://sdqweb.ipd.kit.edu/eclipse/palladio/addons/coverage/

Short Summary

This AddOn for Palladio allows managing and presenting coverage information on behavior specifications. It supports the creation of coverage requirements for a given specification and presenting the results of coverage runs.



Follow the basic set up instruction for Palladio at Installation / Download and then install the feature from PCM Coverage AddOn Eclipse Update Site.


The Coverage Requirements Generator launch category is responsible for the generation. The PCM Coverage perspective is responsible for the presentation. Details are provided in the next sections.


The generation of coverage requirements is configured via the Coverage Requirements Generator launch category. First, the repository containing the behaviors for which coverage requirements should be generated must be selected. All behaviors in the repository are selected by default and shown in the Behaviors section of the launch configuration. The list can be modified using Add, Remove, and Remove All. The criteria for which the coverage requirements can be generated can be selected in the Criteria section of the launch configuration. The same criteria are used for all selected behaviors. Finally, the coverage suite receiving the coverage requirements must be selected in the Coverage Suite section of the launch configuration. See the screenshots and examples for additional details.


The presentation of coverage requirements, which are covered in a coverage run can be presented using the PCM Coverage perspective. First, the coverage suite containing the coverage run must be loaded. Loading a coverage suite is supported using the +Database symbol in the Coverage Run view. If the coverage is for a certain allocation, it can be selected in the Allocation View. The behavior specification can be selected in the Operation View. The criterion to present is selected in the Criteria View.

Use the Coverage Requirements Generator launch category for the generation of coverage requirements. Use the PCM Coverage perspective to select the coverage information to display. Open the behavior after selecting the run, allocation, operation, and criterion with a double click in the Criteria View. An editor presenting the coverage is opened after a double-click on the criterion in the Criteria View.

Uncovered elements have a higher priority than covered elements in order to ease identification of uncovered elements. As a consequence, an element being part of a covered as well as an uncovered path is presented as uncovered.


The following examples can be checked out as eclipse projects via anonymous SVN access into an eclipse workspace. They demonstrate the generation and presentation of coverage information.

  1. PCM Coverage Example: All In One. Three launch configurations show the generation of coverage requirements for different criteria. The file model/default_relaxedbasicpaths_runcoverage.pcmcoverage contains an exemplary coverage run and allows presenting the coverage.
  2. Probabilistic Modeling Example (PME): Coverage Run Example. The file models/Validation/Results/de.fzi.se.validation.testbased.example.pme.TestValidatePME_testAccurateLimitedCoverage.pcmcoverage contains a coverage suite with a coverage run, which is also shown in the screenshots above.

Defining New Criteria

Coverage requirement generators for new criteria can be added via the extension point de.fzi.se.pcmcoverage.criteria. The Template demonstrates the registration of a new criterion including the optional use of configurations for the criterion.